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Founded in 1969, Reflections engages nearly 300,000 students and families in arts education activities each year by encouraging students to explore the arts for fun and recognition.  Students in grades Pre-K through 12 are challenged to submit original works of art, related to a central theme, in one or more of six categories:  Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts.


Dance Choreography

Dance Choreography is the act of creating movement.  Choreograph your original dance, selecting style, music, background and props to show a clear relation the theme.  Solo and ensemble works of all dance styles are accepted.  Entrant must be the choreographer and may also be the performer.  If background music is used, cite it on the entry form.  Video file must not exceed 5 minutes and 1GB in size. Accepted formats:  AVI, FLV, WMV, MOV, MP4.


Film Production

Film Production is the process of making a film.  Accepted short film styles include:  animation, narrative, documentary, experimental, or media presentation, but must be original.  Powerpoint presentations are not permitted.  Entrant must be the screenwriter, cinematographer, editor and producer.  If background music is used, cite it on the entry form.  Video recording must not exceed 5 minutes and must be less than 1GB in size.Accepted formats:  AVI, FLV, WMV, MOV, MP4.



Literature is the art of writing. The author expresses their thoughts and ideas as an interpretation of the theme through the use of words.  Accepted forms of fiction and nonfiction include:  prose, poetry, reflective essay, screen play and play script, narrative, or short story. Entry must be original , written by a single author, and not exceeding 2,000 words.  Entrants may write in their primary language as long as an interpretive English translation is also attached. Copyrighted material is prohibited.  Accepted formats:  PDF file, single sided print on standard 8 1/2 x 11" paper.


Music Composition

Music Composition is the process of creating a new piece of music.  The composer is a person who expresses their own thoughts and ideas related to the theme through the use of sound.  Entrant must be the composer and may also be the performer, or one of the performers.  Use of copyright material is not permitted.  Notation, score or tablature, is required in PDF format. Audio recording must not exceed 5 minutes and 1GB.  Accepted formats:  MP3, WMA, WAV, ACC, FLAC.



Photography is the process of creating an image. The photo must be a single print or digital image.  Collages and collections of photos are not accepted. Entrant must be the photographer and may use a variety of digital editing techniques including but not limited to multiple exposure, negative sandwich and photogram.  Use of copyright material is prohibited.  Print image dimensions just be at least 3x5", and no larger than 8x10".  Accepted print formats: mounted on mat or poster board no larger than 11x14", framed prints not accepted. Digital image dimensions at least 640x960 pixels and 300 dpi.  Accepted file formats :  JPEG, JPG, GiF, PNG.


Visual Arts 

Works of both fine and design arts are accepted, including but not limited to architectural drawing and models, ceramics, collage, computer generated images and graphics, crafts, drawing, fashion clothes and jewelry, tiger work, mixed media, painting printmaking and sculpture.  Use of copyright material is not permitted.  2D artwork must be mounted on sturdy material no more than 24x30".  Framed entries not accepted.  Include 1 digital image with your submission. 3D artwork submissions must include 3 digital images of artwork at different angles. 


Special Artist Division

The Special Artist Division welcomes all grades and all abilities and offers non-artistic accommodations  (e.g. adaptive technology transcribing, holding a camera) for students to participate fully in PTA Reflections.  Student assistants must refrain from being involved in the artistic process (e.g. developing an artist statement, choreography, music lyrics, storyboards, etc.)   Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA Section 504 may enter by either the Special Artist Division or the Grade division by arts category.  

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