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Upcoming PTSA meetings will take place on Tuesdays at

7pm in the school library!

NEXT MEETING: February 4



Check out our Online Membership & Store!


Become a PTSA Member or purchase your Cave Cash!



Check our Facebook Page for updates & Info!



staff appreciation .jpeg
​​Please join the PTSA at


Below is the Executive Board for the 2024-2025 school year.


Co-Presidents - Jill Degen 

VP Ram's Cave - Jessica Collopy

VP Memberhub - Ashley Tringale

Treasurer - Emily Antoine

Corresponding Secretary - Jessica Fetterman

Recording Secretary- Alyson Gottlieb

Council Delegate - Stacey Gosman


Any questions, please email us at




(PTSA: Parent Teacher Student Association)


The best way to stay informed is to become a member of the PTSA. Just click and enroll: enroll:


*IMPORTANT Reminders

  • Only students signed up as PTSA members JUNIOR & SENIOR years will be eligible for PTSA scholarships. Deadline for seniors to join PTSA is January 31, 2024.  

  • Only parents/guardians signed up as PTSA members will be eligible to volunteer at North.  This is due to district insurance rules and there will be no exceptions.  



Ram's Cave:


The Ram's Cave is OPEN! For those of you that may not know this is our food, snack and beverage store that serves staff and students.  It's a walk up window, next to the library in the Main building.


 Our hours will be 9:45 - 3:00 during Fall and 9:45-2:30PM during Winter and Spring.  We ask that you bring small bills to make our lines move quicker and avoid crowds.  Also, we strongly recommend that you buy Cave Cash this year to also reduce lines.  They are pre-paid vouchers and can be purchased on our online store and picked up at the Cave...  Once you order, you will receive an email confirmation with a pickup date.  


We are a volunteer based store.  All proceeds benefit our students and school. 

Parents, interested in volunteering?  Please join our Facebook group, Ram's Cave Volunteers, and send us an email at  All volunteers must be PTSA members and show proof of vaccination according to district policy.  


Thank you and can't wait to see our students and staff at the cave!  


Seniors 2024


Parents and guardians of Class of 2025.


To receive all information regarding senior events, volunteering opportunities and fundraising messages: please email You can also message us via Facebook.   

We are optimistically looking forward to continuing our work in the next few months.

Once again, we wish all students and staff a wonderful school year.


Kind regards

The CHSN PTSA Executive Board

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